Month: January 2013

Papua New Guinea, canoe ceremony
Humanity, Rituals and Traditions

Papua New Guinea: Rainforest World of Sustainable River Guardians

The Sacred Land Film Project captured a revival of a canoe ceremony with feasting, dancing and carving, honoring their sacred Ramu River. The region is part of the third largest intact rainforest ecosystem left on earth, where sustainable agriculture and forestry practices have allowed societies to thrive for thousands of years, now threatened by multinational logging interests and corrupt governmental entities.

Grizzly Bears rarely pose dangers to humans in the wild

George Wuerthner: Habitat Conservation, Not Hunting, Saves Grizzly Bears

Wildlife Agencies advocate hunting helps grizzly recovery. The best available science, however, suggests predators including bears, wolves, mountain lion and coyotes have intricate social interactions that are disrupted or damaged by indiscriminate killing from hunters and trappers. Habitat protection is the main way to protect the fledgling population of grizzly bears as well as avoid human-bear conflicts.