The California Condor Recovery Program has defied the odds to rescue from oblivion the last of the prehistorics and icon of Native Californian cosmology. Threats such as lead ammunition, microtrash, and sprawling land development threaten these impressive gains of an endangered species. The film “The Condor’s Shadow” documents this struggle.
Author: Jack Eidt
Dear Mr. President, Let’s Move Forward on Climate
President Obama, we need an energy policy focused on efficiency and conservation, integrated with a clean, renewable energy plan – one that breaks our addiction to dirty and dangerous fuels such as Coal, Fracked Natural Gas, Nuclear and Tar Sands Oil.
Word to the President: Action on Climate and Keystone Now!
Join the largest climate change rally in history on Sunday, February 17th, with tens of thousands converging on Washington DC and solidarity marches in Los Angeles and across the country to demand: “Solve the climate crisis! Take a stand, Mr. President!”
Idle No More: Round Dance for Mother Earth
Idle No More has awakened indigenous voices from all over North America, blockading highways and border crossings, flash-mobbing in shopping malls, facing arrest and imprisonment. At issue are sovereignty and treaty rights, dancing and demonstrating for Mother Earth: for the protection of the air, the water, and the land, motivating native peoples out of their idleness and into the streets.
Haiti: Rebuilding Sustainably with Earthbag Houses
Haiti’s recovery from the devastation of the 2010 earthquake, plus repeated hits by tropical storms and hurricanes, calls for creative, low-tech, earth-based alternatives. Konbit Shelter, a pairing of international designers including the street artist Swoon with local artisans, have advanced earthbag construction as a viable solution to disaster prone areas.
Ingmar Bergman: A Tenuous Searching Faith in “The Seventh Seal”
The Seventh Seal (Det Sjunde Inseglet) is a 1957 Swedish film written and directed by Ingmar Bergman. Set in Sweden during the Black Death, it tells of the journey of a medieval knight and a game of chess he plays with the personification of Death, who has come to take his life.
Forward on Climate: February 17th Rallies in DC and Los Angeles
On Sunday, February 17th, at 1 pm, in solidarity with the Washington DC “Forward on Climate” rally, join Tar Sands Action Southern California, Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign, and Food and Water Watch, along with many more other environmental organizations as they march in downtown Los Angeles to deliver a message – “Solve the Climate Crisis! Take a Stand Mr. President!”