For more than a century now, Haitians have trekked to the picturesque grove where, legend has it, the Virgin Mary – or Erzuli Dantor – appeared in the middle of the 19th century on a palm tree near the 100-foot waterfall and began healing the sick.
Author: Jack Eidt
Australia’s Wild Kimberley Fights Industrialization
Traditional Goolarabooloo and Jabirr Jabirr land custodians from the Kimberley, Western Australia, voiced concerns about the proposed $30 billion liquefied natural gas (LNG) project at Walmadan or James Price Point. They say turning their coast into a gas hub will have devastating impacts on wildlife and nearby communities. The project was canceled due to rising costs.
SpOIL: Tar Sands Pipelines Threaten Great Bear Rainforest
The Enbridge Inc. Northern Gateway Pipelines project threatened British Columbia’s Great Bear Rainforest, home to thousands of species of plants and animals and the Kermode white spirit bear, enabling the destructive Alberta oil sands mining project. The project is dead, but tar sands are still being mined, shipped and burned, destroying ecosystems and the climate.
Life and Death: Lakota Spiritual Practice
Lakota spiritual leaders speak about dealing with a world out of balance, life after death, and overcoming drugs, money and emptiness. Lakota history and the Seven Sacred Rites are discussed.
Lakota Vision: White Buffalo Calf Woman and World Harmony
The supernatural appearance of White Buffalo Calf Woman tells of her divine revelations to the Lakota people regarding the Seven Sacred Rites to bring about spiritual rebirth and world harmony.
Hopi Butterfly Dance: Ceremonial Gratitude
The Butterfly Dance is a Hopi ceremony petitioning for rain, and health for all living things, thanking the beautiful butterfly for pollinating plant life.
Dmitri Shostakovich: Revolutionary Composer or Soviet Propagandist?
The composer Dmitri Shostakovich, considered the conscience of the Russian Revolution, denounced twice by Stalin, later lent his name to the Soviet Communist Party.