Mytho-Historical Prophecy: Facing certain destruction by a massive wildfire raging down from the high peaks, the Oraibi village leader consults Old Spider Woman on overcoming the state of koyaanisqatsi, or life out of balance, that had befallen the land.
Author: Jack Eidt
Fixing Honduras: A Constitutional and Historical Rewrite
Three US law professor “specialists in comparative constitutional law,” deny the reality of the Honduran coup and the anti-democratic oppression on the ground in Honduras, advocating imaginary limits on military and executive power.
Democracy, Reconciliation, and Justice Returns to Honduras? Not Yet…
Nobody has been punished for carrying out the 2009 coup d’etat in Honduras and repression continues against peaceful resistance movements and journalists, but the return of deposed President Mel Zelaya is reason to celebrate for a moment.
Bitter Music in Natural Acoustics with Harry Partch
Partch broke with European tradition and forged a new music based on primal integration of sound and speech, using self-designed instruments tuned with natural acoustic resonance or just intonation. The result was a beautiful sound and vision with “magical purpose.”
Hopi Legend Part 2: The Yaayapontsa Dance of Fire
Following the dances of the kachinas in the wayward village of Pivanhonkyapi suffering the imbalance of Koyaanisqatsi, the dreaded Yaayapontsa arrive to purify the world with fire.
Hopi Legend: Koyaanisqatsi and World Destruction
The Hopi curse of Koyaanisqatsi marks the total disintegration of the life of harmony and balance. The subject of a 1982 tone poem of modern day environmental devastation by Godfrey Reggio, also shown in the mythological destruction of the ancient Hopi city of Pivanhonkyapi.
Permaculture: Land-Based System of Human Rewilding
Permaculture is an integrative approach to re-creating sustainable cities, towns and villages, emulating ecologic relationships from wild nature. The practice encompasses architecture, horticulture, energy, waste management, and urban planning.