The following resource list provides links to Los Angeles based organizations that offer programs that can help to support local, environmentally sustainable economies, including web calendars and share sites.
Author: Jack Eidt
Chumash Legend: Hole in the Blanket
The world covered in a blanket of darkness, the rock, plant, and animal people found through cooperation and council to give thanks for the goodness of Mother Earth and Grandfather Sun, and let the light shine down.
Urban Humanity Revival: Walkable Neighborhoods and Mass Transit
The time is now to invest in walkable neighborhoods accessed by mass transit with opportunities for cultural coming together and societal participation, instead of environmentally-destructive sprawl, cultural intolerance, societal alienation, and personal anonymity.
Rainforest Wilt: Drought in the Amazon Has Long-Term Effects
The Amazon Rainforest experienced a devastating drought in 2010, increasing its emission of greenhouse gases, endangering its role as a global climate balance.
John Cage: Dreaming in Sustained Resonance
“Dream” (1948) was written for Merce Cunningham’s dance, minimal fixed tones of sustained resonance, influenced by Balinese Gamelan and divinations through the I Ching.
End Nuclear Power: Renewables and Conservation Now
What about energy conservation, as well as cogeneration, wind power and cheaper, more–efficient forms of renewable energy? Physicist Amory Lovins from the Rocky Mountain Institute argues that shifting investment of tens of billions of dollars from nuclear into renewable energy would reduce far more carbon per dollar.
Disaster Roulette: Earthquakes and Nukes at San Onofre By Jack Eidt and Jerry Collamer
Disaster can be avoided, if you just don’t go there. Yet our human nature is to go, to build, to deny the omnipotent laws of nature, then suffer that all too familiar consequence.