Radioactive fallout from the three melting Japanese nuclear reactors reached the US and continues to appear through the ocean and air, necessitating health protocols.
Author: Jack Eidt
Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown Disaster Unfolds
Japan’s earthquake and tsunami have triggered meltdowns at several nuclear reactors, increased radiation levels, evacuations of hundreds of thousands of people in the face of radiation exposures already being reported.
Foreshadows of Ghosts – The Landscapes of Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Thai independent filmmaker, created an extraordinary experience, vision, dream, meditation with “Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives.”
World’s Dirtiest Oil – Alberta Tar Sands
The world’s dirtiest oil is produced by strip mining the Athabascan Tar Sands of Alberta, Canada, destroying an area of Northern Boreal forest and wetlands the size of Florida, with toxic settling ponds that pollute rivers fished by First Nations people, requiring pipelines to the Gulf Coast and hauling routes through the Northern Rocky Mountains.
Anaheim Platinum Triangle: Visionary Urban Village or Missed Opportunity?
Anaheim’s conflicted planning is ruining the opportunity to create a dense urban village, high-speed-rail-friendly for tourists, sports fans, and 25,000 new residents.
Post-Indigenous Microtones: Kraig Grady’s Anaphoria Island
The metaphorical island of Anaphoria is fertile territory for microtonal composer and sound artist Kraig Grady. One senses in his ringing, vibrating, just intonations, Native American chants, Indonesian gamelan orchestras, Japanese gagaku, African drumming down the spirits steeped in harmonic relations found in nature.
The Tyranny of Soy Agribusiness in Paraguay
Paraguay’s President Lugo hadn’t delivered on promises to farmers who brought him to power, while transgenic soy farms expanded, and then he was overthrown in a coup.