
Federico Fellini, Italian cinema

Federico Fellini: Intuitive Visual Art

Fellini in the 1969 experimental documentary on US television opines on his Felliniesque creative process: “I think almost exclusively in images, which explains why an actor’s face and body are more important to me than plot structure . . . . The key word to understanding my kind of cinema is vitality. What I seek is to live the expression itself.”

Metropolis, Fritz Lang, dystopia

H. G. Wells on the Futurist Dystopia of Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis”

“Metropolis” hallucinates a futuristic city, a paradise of glass and steel, where underground workers toil endlessly at the giant machines that run the world above. Controlled by the autocratic industrialist, his spoilt son falls for the working class prophet who envisions some mediation between workers and managers. Noted science fiction author H. G. Wells reviews the controversial 1927 masterpiece.