Following the dances of the kachinas in the wayward village of Pivanhonkyapi suffering the imbalance of Koyaanisqatsi, the dreaded Yaayapontsa arrive to purify the world with fire.
Tag: indigenous peoples
Hopi Legend: Koyaanisqatsi and World Destruction
The Hopi curse of Koyaanisqatsi marks the total disintegration of the life of harmony and balance. The subject of a 1982 tone poem of modern day environmental devastation by Godfrey Reggio, also shown in the mythological destruction of the ancient Hopi city of Pivanhonkyapi.
Chumash Legend: Hole in the Blanket
The world covered in a blanket of darkness, the rock, plant, and animal people found through cooperation and council to give thanks for the goodness of Mother Earth and Grandfather Sun, and let the light shine down.
Other Worlds Documentary: The Cosmology of Ayahuasca
“Other Worlds,” a documentary by French filmmaker Jan Kounen, is an informative journey into the cosmology of ayahuasca shamanism practiced in the Peruvian Amazon.
Destructive Progress: Brazil-Peru Transoceanic Highway
With completion of the 3,400-mile Transoceanic Highway, the Amazonian state of Acre in Brazil now connects with the southern Pacific Coast of Peru, unleashing numerous impacts to the environment and indigenous people.
Tipis, Hot Dance and the Nighthawk Singers at the Crow Fair In Montana
On the plains of Montana, down the hill from the Little Bighorn National Monument, is the annual Crow Fair. Thousands of tipis are set up along the Little Bighorn River, said to be the largest gathering in the world. As well, an array of Native American singers and dancers appear over the four-day event in late August.