Matthew Pallamary’s acclaimed novel “Land Without Evil,” recently performed as an aerial acrobatic stage show, narrates the true story of a young shaman of the Guaraní people of South America facing European conquest and conversion to Catholicism in the 1700s.
Tag: mythology
Popol Vuh: The Ancient Maya Dawn of Life and Overcoming the Forces of Awe
The Popol Vuh (Maya K’iche’ for “Council Book” or “Book of the Community”) features a creation myth, the Dawn of Life under the spectre of a flooded world, followed by the epic mythological stories of two Hero Twins: Hunahpu (Blow-gun Hunter) and Xbalanque (Young Hidden/Jaguar-Sun) as they confront the Lords of Death and Disease in the underworld caves of the “Place of Awe.”
Mythology of the Crow: Love Trials of the Magic Buffalo Wife
An Apsáalooke Crow man falls in love and has a child with the magical Buffalo Woman, which requires him to prove his love and devotion to her and her Buffalo Nation.
Aboriginal Dreamtime: The Rainbow Serpent
The Aboriginal Australian Rainbow Serpent meanders snake-like like a river across the landscape, sunlight reflecting the spectrum of colours. He inhabits permanent waterholes and controls precious oils and waters.
Soyal Ceremony: Hopi Kachinas Dance at Winter Solstice
The Soyal Ceremony begins on the shortest day of the year, and symbolizes the second phase of Creation at the Dawn of Life. Its prayers and rituals implement a plan of life for the coming year, ceremonially turning back the sun toward its summer path.
Tonantzin Transforms into Our Lady of Guadalupe
Part II of the story of the Virgin of Guadalupe, part of the Spanish colonial appropriation of the Aztec Earth Mother Tonantzin: The future St. Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin explained to the Bishop of Mexico City how the Virgin appeared to request a temple be built at Tepeyac in her honor.
Mexico’s Huichol People: Sustaining the Worlds of Tatuutsí Maxakwaxí
A documentary in two parts about an independent school Tatuutsí Maxakwaxí of the Wixáritari, in the Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico. The school focuses on preservation of their ancient culture and providing life tools for the young, enabling their participation in the official educational system of Mexico.