Tag: urban poverty

Pruitt Igoe, Public Housing
Design, Urban Land

Pruitt Igoe Myth: The Death of 20th Century US City

Destroyed in a dramatic and highly-publicized implosion, the Pruitt-Igoe public housing complex has become a widespread symbol of failure among architects, politicians and policy makers. A 2012 documentary unveiled the many witting and unwitting villains, including urban poverty, public policy enforced racial segregation, and urban disinvestment in favor of the White Suburban Dream.

Representative Stephen Fincher, blondcounty

BCNews Talks Farm Bill With Congressman Fincher

BCnews’ ongoing trek through the political tall grass of double-speak and self-aggrandizement, searching for that elusive nugget / needle-in-the-political haystack, called Truth. Today, Rep. Stephen Fincher, Republican of Tennessee, explains why the government needs to reduce spending on the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program that provides food to poor families.