Author: Jack Eidt

The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Monte Shulz

Monte Schulz’s Beautiful Jazz Age Tragedy in ‘Crossing Eden’

Monte Schulz’s literary novel Crossing Eden (Fantagraphics Books), sweeps across the Midwestern U.S. landscape through the story of a family pulled apart in the Jazz Age summer of 1929. A failed businessman, seduced by city lights and the dream of wealth and power, divides himself from his wife and children, while a troubled farm boy runs away from home in the company of a gangster.

East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice, SCIG, Port of LA
Urban Land

Reform California’s Environmental Quality Act? Not Now.

The California Environmental Quality Act, protector of resources and communities through consideration of implications of proposed projects, is under attack. Representatives from industry and real estate development, and sometimes even Governor Jerry Brown, seek ways to weaken it, or to exempt their pet projects. While the law is far from perfect, it remains the gold standard of environmental protection in the US.