Into Eternity is a feature documentary film by Danish director Michael Madsen, released in 2010. It follows the plan to construct Onkalo Waste Repository deep underground, designed to last 100,000 years, at the Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant.
Author: Jack Eidt
Fracking Study: Contamination Happens
For years the drilling industry has insisted there has never been a proven case in which hydraulic fracturing, or natural gas fracking, has led to contamination of drinking water. Now Environmental Working Group has unearthed a 24-year-old case study by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that unequivocally says such contamination has occurred.
Newhall Ranch: Feds OK Massive Flood Plain Development
The US Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers resolved their differences and advanced one of the largest sprawling developments ever contemplated in California on 12,000 acres along the Santa Clara River in northwest Los Angeles County. Newhall Ranch would create a city for 60,000 on a six-mile stretch of the wild, open, agricultural, free-flowing river flood plain.
Yellowstone and Glacier Through Native Eyes
For more than 12,000 years, the Intermountain West’s Native peoples have called the lands known as Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks “home.” This program explores modern Indigenous perspectives on these great wilderness areas and explores the cultural divide that separates modern times from the not-so-distant past.
Honduras: Patuca River Dams Threaten Indigenous Survival
The Moskitia is the largest, most biodiverse expanse of tropical wilderness north of the Amazon Basin – and the Indigenous Peoples who live there are determined to keep it that way. Unfortunately, no greater threat exists to the natural wealth hidden in the “Mesoamerican Biological Corridor” than the gigantic, transnational Patuca II, IIA, and III Dams.
Haitian Healing Pilgrimage: Saut-d’Eau Waterfall
For more than a century now, Haitians have trekked to the picturesque grove where, legend has it, the Virgin Mary – or Erzuli Dantor – appeared in the middle of the 19th century on a palm tree near the 100-foot waterfall and began healing the sick.
Australia’s Wild Kimberley Fights Industrialization
Traditional Goolarabooloo and Jabirr Jabirr land custodians from the Kimberley, Western Australia, voiced concerns about the proposed $30 billion liquefied natural gas (LNG) project at Walmadan or James Price Point. They say turning their coast into a gas hub will have devastating impacts on wildlife and nearby communities. The project was canceled due to rising costs.