Urban Art

Art created by an artist living, depicting, or experiencing city life and culture, about structures and modalities. Urban Art in its rawest form is graffiti, but also murals, human-imagined creation, displayed across the built environment.

One More Dance, Dancing Devils of Yare
Rituals and Traditions, Urban Art

Dancing Devils of Venezuela Challenge US Consumer Culture

An exhibition by artist Cristóbal Valecillos in Los Angeles invoked the Dancing Devils of Yare, a 400-year old Venezuelan tradition celebrating life, the triumph of good over evil, and renewal.  His provocative interpretation of the diablo masks, hand-sculpted from repurposed waste materials, takes aim at culture and consumption in the US, a plea for overcoming. 

Alex MacLean, Alberta tar sands
Literary, Sustainability, Urban Art

Geo-Fauvism and Anthropocene: Altered Planet, Wild Literature

Welcome to the Anthropocene age, where humans have transmogrified the planet, its oceans and atmosphere, caused mass extinctions and wholesale contamination that will remain for millennia. Beyond the politicians and scientists, the way forward remains in the hands of writers, artists, and designers taking inspiration from wild earth in a movement called Geo-Fauvism.