Lakota Sacred Art
Rituals and Traditions Urban Art

Visionary Art of Lakota Sundance Chief Marvin Swallow


Chief Marvin Swallow paints “images of time before and after the moment,” whispering sacred stories of the beauty and mystery of creation. What has emerged through his art is a unique and powerful contribution to the growing genre of Sacred Art.

Chief Marvin Swallow, Lakota Artist

Lakota Sundance Chief Marvin Swallow, Visionary Artist

Marvin Swallow, Sundance and ceremonial Chief in the Lakota tradition, roadman of the Native American Church, travels nationwide along with his Japanese wife, Water Woman Hiroko Matsuda Swallow, to share their traditions and ceremonies. Swallow is a member of the Sicangu band of the Teton Lakota from the Black Hills of South Dakota.

Chief Marvin and his wife have founded Bow See Fast Sanctuary & Arigato Farms, 40 acres of beautiful land in New Mexico. This is a special place where people learn and heal, the Sacred Fire burns, fresh water runs, food grows, and horses roam.

It is the vision of Marvin Swallow and Hiroko Matsuda Swallow, calling all peoples inspired by their teachings to come together to learn the 7 Directions Way of Life Teachings, to find themselves, and to manifest the Sundance Grounds, Prayer House, Sustainable Farm, Community Center, and Burial Grounds, for the Next Seven Generations.

Please visit their Support  page to join the efforts.

MORE INFO on Marvin Swallow – CLICK HERE

Night Dance of the Ancestors by Marvin Swallow

Lakota visionary artMarvin Swallow paints “images of time before and after the moment,” whispering sacred stories of the beauty and mystery of creation. What has emerged through his art is a unique and powerful contribution to the growing genre of Sacred Art. The body of his work on this display explores timeless themes of the Lakota ceremonial way of life, offering profound picto-poetic narratives from the deep spiritual heart of the indigenous Native American culture in its modern expression.


sacred art, Lakota People

Originally published in 2013. Updated 14 November 2022

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  4. Julie Andrews Scott

    How does your garden grow, Marvin? Grateful to hear your stories and see your inspirational paintings. Please let me know how your green house is going and the planting of all the seeds you collected at ecofarm. Peace and love, Julie

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