EcoJustice Radio

California aqueduct
EcoJustice Radio

Shaping our Water Future: Through Water Quality, Equity & Nature Based Solutions

Los Angeles currently imports a whopping 70% of their water. And getting it to LA is the largest use of electricity in the state of CA. When water is not captured and utilized within the system, it traverses through the city and out to the ocean. In order to shape a strong water future, we must manage the flow in way that ensures high quality, social equity, and solutions based in nature.

Tongva Nation, Los Angeles, Gloria Arellanes
EcoJustice Radio

Sustaining the Legacy of the Tongva: Before and After “Los Angeles”

Grandmother Gloria Arellanes speaks on the heritage of the Tongva people, who inhabited and stewarded the area referred to as the “Los Angeles Basin” as well as the Southern Channel Islands. Grandmother Gloria offers her insights about the state of our world, youth, elderhood and the intergenerational cycle of learning, as well as how we might honor proper protocols, First Nations and all that is Sacred, amidst the backdrop of increasing urbanity, and the numerous perils now facing our environment.