While thousands surrounded the White House, a hundred people marched through downtown Los Angeles in solidarity calling for Obama to reject the 1,700-mile tar sands oil pipeline from Alberta, Canada to the Gulf Coast.
Environmental Issues
WilderUtopia sees environmental issues as publicizing harmful effects of human activity on the biophysical environment, and seeking methods to solve problems, transcend boundaries and build a better and more sustainable future. Environmentalism, a social and environmental movement that spans race, ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status, addresses environmental issues through advocacy, education and activism.
Tar Sands Documentary: White Water, Black Gold
Canada is the number one oil supplier to the US and is pushing to increase that role using the Alberta Tar Sands, slated to mine and strip an area of Boreal Forest the size of Florida, impacting land resources and indigenous communities, producing bitumen-crude that will foul the global climate.
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station: Fukushima Lessons not Learned
Arnie Gunderson: The future of nuclear energy in California is over the “design basis” of Diablo Canyon and SONGS. Computer programs the Nuclear Regulatory Commission calculates cost and benefits of nuclear minimize risks of earthquake and tsunami.
Mountain West: Forest Death Affects Climate Moderation
Pines of the Rockies are dying, wildfires racing across the Southwest deep into Texas, and Colorado’s aspens have declined due to lack of water. Worldwide the problem stretches from Southern Africa, the Amazon, Siberia, Algeria, and Australia. Without forest, levels of carbon dioxide rises and the climate will continue to warm.
Collamer: Foreclosing on Nature
The human commodification of nature often overlooks small, seeming inconsequential values, someday leading to the earth’s foreclosure and unavoidable eviction.
Dam, You’re One Ugly Hurdle…
Go ask any fish how it feels to have your road home permanently blocked by a “clean” “green” “renewable” “low-cost” hydroelectric dam.
Inuit People: Melting Ice, Shifting Stars, North not North
Inuit communities, elders and hunters, speak regarding social and ecological impacts of a warming Arctic and their conception of poles shifting, winds different, stars unrecognized. A Labrador Inuit Aurora Borealis myth illuminates their traditional connection with the stars.