Kumu Mikilani provides an update on the status of Mauna Kea and the inspired movement to stop the construction of the 30-meter TMT telescope, anticipated to be the Northern Hemisphere’s singular largest telescope sponsored by CalTech, University of California, and the countries of India, Japan, and Canada. Thirteen telescopes have already blighted what Native Hawaiians consider their most sacred mountain and pinnacle of their origination cosmologically.
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Ku Kia’i Mauna: Protecting Sacred Sites, Waters and Indigenous Legacies Worldwide
Part 2 – for Part 1 click here
Kumu Mikilani provides an update on the status of Mauna Kea and the inspired movement to stop the construction of the 30-meter TMT telescope, anticipated to be the Northern Hemisphere’s singular largest telescope sponsored by CalTech, University of California and the countries of India, Japan, and Canada. Twelve telescopes have already blighted what native Hawaiians consider their most sacred mountain and pinnacle of their origination cosmologically.
The proposed TMT telescope would disturb the fragile ecosystem of the summit which was traditionally accessible only by the high chiefs and priests on rare occasions as well as compromise cultural and spiritual practices of native Hawaiians. Construction of the proposed telescope favors astronomical advancement and development at the expense of designated conservation lands, and would gravely threaten unique flora, fauna and wildlife as well as potentially impact the water table. Mauna Kea is a precedent-setting movement, propelled largely by Hawaiian natives and cultural practitioners who are insisting upon land usage which respects, preserves and honors indigenous cultural and spiritual preservation, as well as protects the vast ecosystem in which their Ancestors live and thrive.
Interview by Carry Kim from EcoJustice Radio.
Host and Engineer: JP Morris
Executive Producer: Mark Morris
Updated 17 July 2019
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