Tag: agroforestry

Montegrade, Peru, Origins of Cacao
EcoJustice Radio

Montegrande: Ancient Amazonian Temple Reveals World’s First Cacao Cultivation

EcoJustice Radio host Jack Eidt spoke with Karen Gordon, an associate at ASICAMPE, the nonprofit organization dedicated to scientific research in the Peruvian Amazon. They explored the significance of Montegrande, a site that has revealed traces of cacao in 6,000-year-old ceremonial pottery vessels, making it the oldest known monumental temple site in Peru.

Palm Oil, Child Labor
Earth, EcoJustice Radio, International Issues

Recipe for Abuse: Palm Oil, Child Labor, and Girl Scout Cookies

EcoJustice Radio discusses the dangers palm oil plantations present to tropical rainforest biodiversity and Indigenous communities in Southeast Asia, Central and South America, and Africa. We talk with Olivia Chaffin, a Girl Scout from Tennessee who has been petitioning to get not-sustainable palm oil out of Girl Scout cookies, and […]