Climate change affects coffee crops throughout the world, with extreme weather and virulent pests causing damage to yields and ruining the industry. Thus, kicking our addiction to oil will benefit coffee farmers as well as consumers.
Tag: Climate Change
Gov. Brown: March for Real Climate Leadership on Feb 7th
Join SoCal 350 Climate Action Coalition and Californians from across the state gathering Feb 7 in Oakland — Governor Brown’s hometown — to demand real climate leadership in the face of the impending climate crisis and ongoing drought, with an unconventional oil boom that includes fracking, oil trains, and expanded refinery capacity.
‘Above All Else’: Fighting the Keystone XL in Texas
Join SoCal 350, Tar Sands Action SoCal, and WilderUtopia in Pasadena, January 22nd for a fundraiser screening of Above All Else, a documentary on the fight against the Keystone South. Reserve Tickets TODAY! We must sell at least 78 tickets by January 15th to make the event happen! TIX:
Starhawk: Hope in the Time of Climate Change
As the full moon approached and the winter solstice upcoming ~ on Sun Dec 7, 2014 in LA, Starhawk joined a conscious community including SoCal 350 Climate Action Coalition, collectively co-creating a vision of a just transition away from climate- and ecosystem-damaging fossil fuels and industrial agriculture to a sustainable permaculture-oriented new world!
Post-Apocalyptic Destruction of the Tar Sands: Alberta from Above
With the Keystone XL and Line 3 pipelines threatening to inundate the Earth with the dirtiest oil known to humanity, we survey a bird’s-eye view of the post-apocalyptic tar sands oil sacrifice zones in Alberta, Canada, by photographer Alex MacLean.
Big Oil and Gas Resistance in BC: The Unist’ot’en Call to the Land
RESIST: The Unist’oten’s Call to the Land is one of two documentaries on a year-round resistance to exploitative industry, and what it represents in relation to indigenous sovereignty and the environmental, legal, and social issues surrounding pipeline projects in British Columbia.
Cowspiracy: Animal Agriculture Despoils Land, Water and Climate
A recent documentary, Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret, advocates leading environmental organizations must address animal agriculture’s massive impacts to forests, water sustainability, and climate change. Also watch Howard Lyman’s documentary, Mad Cowboy.