Tag: fracking

natural gas hydrofracturing

Regulating Fracking Will Not Protect California from Fracking

Lauren Steiner writes on California’s insufficient move to regulate fracking with SB 4, sponsored by State Representative Fran Pavley: “Worse than having no regulations, weak regulations provide political cover to legislators who could otherwise be pressured to vote for a moratorium on the practice.” Tell Fran Pavley to withdraw her bad regulatory bill and fight for a fracking ban instead!

Forward on Climate Los Angeles
Climate, Tar Sands

Media Resources: Forward on Climate Los Angeles

The Forward on Climate LA Solidarity March and Rally took place on February 17th, 2013, where more than 1,200 people supported by 101 Southern California organizations and businesses told Mr. Obama: “Solve the Climate Crisis, Take a stand, Mr. President!” Following is a media resource list from the event, including press, photography and videos. Let’s keep it moving forward to heal the climate and our planet!

NAFTA on Steroids
Climate, Tar Sands

Fees on Carbon in the Era of Trans-Pacific Partnership – By Peter Jefferson Nichols

The revenue generated from a Carbon Tax, which should really be called a fee, would be returned to the citizenry, either through reductions in taxes or monthly dividends. That money would offset any increase in the cost of gas at the pump and would off-set already exorbitant financial stress caused by carbon release (i.e. medical bills and (un)natural disaster relief).

Big Oil, Stop Fooling CA
Energy, Politics and Advocacy

California: Big Oil AstroTurf Subverts Clean Air and Fuel Standards

While the public demands protections for air, land, and water, the California oil industry uses front groups and spends millions on lobbying the legislature, gaining disproportionate influence in subverting pollution and fuel standards. Keeping the economy addicted to climate-fouling fossil fuels and reaping billions in profits, Big Oil claims to be a “victim” of excessive regulation. Stop Fooling California!