DamNation explores the history of dams in the US and the movement to tear down these “engineering marvels” and rediscover the wild flowing rivers and the ecosystems they nourish.
Tag: Idaho
Shoshone Myth: Wolf Challenges the Euro-American “Iron-Man”
Northern Shoshone Myth on how the Wolf, father of the native people, defeated the white-man’s father “Iron-Man,” documented by Robert Harry Lowie in 1909.
Wolves Forsaken By Wildlife Agencies, Hunters and Ranchers
President Obama’s Department of the Interior announced the national delisting of all wolves except the Mexican wolf. Prominent conservationists argue this is wrong-headed because (1) the wolf isn’t really recovered, and (2) Existing state management is so bad that the “recovered” population will soon decline to nothing but a tiny token population.
Wolf Wars: Anti-Science Haters Propose Ending All US Protections
Western environmental groups oppose the anti-scientific “political” Endangered Species delisting of gray wolves across the U.S. by Fish and Wildlife Service. Reduced wolf numbers will reduce positive ecological effects of these top predators and permit barbaric hunting methods.
George Wuerthner: Habitat Conservation, Not Hunting, Saves Grizzly Bears
Wildlife Agencies advocate hunting helps grizzly recovery. The best available science, however, suggests predators including bears, wolves, mountain lion and coyotes have intricate social interactions that are disrupted or damaged by indiscriminate killing from hunters and trappers. Habitat protection is the main way to protect the fledgling population of grizzly bears as well as avoid human-bear conflicts.
Idaho Mountain Lion Tastes Like Pork Loin
NRA members and a few anti-hunting advocates cram into a small room voicing support, and-or opposition to CA’s Fish & Game head Daniel Richards, who’d gone to Idaho to kill a mountain lion, posting a pic of him and the carcass on the web. He claims to have eaten some, comparing it to pork loin.
Mountain Lions Manage Ecosystems: Not Sport Hunters
California Fish and Game Commish’s mountain lion sport hunting, contrary to the assertions of many “sportsmen” does not provide a service of managing wildlife habitat. It typifies the senseless need for (usually) white men to shoot thriving wild animals for “fun.”