Tag: Jack Eidt

Orange, California, real estate development
Urban Land

Sprawl vs. Open Space: “Rio Santiago” Again Threatens Orange

Jack Eidt writes on the dangers of proposing mixed use development far from urban amenities and alternative transportation. The real estate industry in Orange County, California and beyond, has consistently violated engineering and planning wisdom by building in floodplains, paving over precious open space land and losing opportunities to preserve wildlife habitat and recreation opportunities amid the suburban sprawl at the edge of the wilderness.

clean energy, Great March for Climate Action, SoCal 350
Climate, Politics and Advocacy

Call to Action California: How to Solve the Climate Crisis

On March 1st, almost 1,000 people, supported by over 100 community organizations, marched through the streets of LA Harbor to launch the coast-to-coast Great March for Climate Action. To demonstrate the political will for a healthy planet, SoCal Climate Action Coalition 350 prioritized six urgent climate-change-focused requests of local, state and global level elected legislative decision makers.