Short poems, anecdotes, mocking or reverent tributes, called calaveras or “skulls,” are given to celebrate public or private figures. In Los Angeles, for the last seven years Tropico de Nopal Gallery has taken the custom into the realm of performance art-fashion show-walking altar display.
Tag: Jack Eidt
Destructive Progress: Brazil-Peru Transoceanic Highway
With completion of the 3,400-mile Transoceanic Highway, the Amazonian state of Acre in Brazil now connects with the southern Pacific Coast of Peru, unleashing numerous impacts to the environment and indigenous people.
Re-envisioning LA Sprawl – Multi-Modal, Multi-Layered, Costing Multi-Billions
One method to rescue this unsustainable, fossil-fuel-addicted, disease-inducing polluted mega-metropolis from its sterile streetscape of cars, exhaust, and non-descript sidewalk-life, is to provide alternative transportation that cuts out the need for parking and forces people to walk.
Rigs-to-Reefs: Another Big Oil Remediation Subsidy – By Jack Eidt
Sunken offshore oil rigs are not a scientifically proven habitat for marine life, may leave significant contamination in the ocean from polluted shell and debris mounds, and pose possible safety and liability issues for the State of California.
Correa’s Ecuador: Police Insurrection Fails as Coup But Challenges Remain
The police insurrection turned failed coup d’état against Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa illustrates the many shades of gray between national sovereignty, ethnic and regional autonomy, multinational corporate development interests, and international political movements.
Detroit Heidelberg Project – Renaissance Through Urban Art
An urban conceptual art installation called The Heidelberg Project, named after its street location in the formerly central core of Detroit, Michigan, transforms a neighborhood first devastated by the 1967 riots, plagued by unemployment, poverty, financial redlining, racial segregation, then abandoned, burned, and largely demolished but for a few homes set among open grassy fields.
Big Oil Burns Money to Stop Climate Legislation, and Lost
California’s Proposition 23 pits two Texas oil companies, Valero and Tesoro, billionaire-brothers Koch Industries, and a host of fossil fuel industry supporters, aiming to “suspend the implementation” of the state’s landmark global warming legislation, AB 32. It failed.