Tag: Tar Sands

NAFTA on Steroids
Climate, Tar Sands

Fees on Carbon in the Era of Trans-Pacific Partnership – By Peter Jefferson Nichols

The revenue generated from a Carbon Tax, which should really be called a fee, would be returned to the citizenry, either through reductions in taxes or monthly dividends. That money would offset any increase in the cost of gas at the pump and would off-set already exorbitant financial stress caused by carbon release (i.e. medical bills and (un)natural disaster relief).

keystone xl pipeline
Climate, Tar Sands

Peter Jefferson Nichols: Sorry Slate, No Keystone, Big Problem for Tar Sands

“Blocking a pipeline, isn’t the same as blocking the flow of oil.” Hell yeah it ain’t! Diversity of targets! Diversity of tactics! If I am going to stop the single most profitable and destructive commodity on the planet from permanently spoiling our finite commons, the market place, I’ve got to do more than merely hold rallies and get arrested. I’ve got to organize. And that’s exactly what I’m doing, along with my siblings in solidarity.

Canada, indigenous activism
Advocates, Tar Sands

Idle No More: Round Dance for Mother Earth

Idle No More has awakened indigenous voices from all over North America, blockading highways and border crossings, flash-mobbing in shopping malls, facing arrest and imprisonment. At issue are sovereignty and treaty rights, dancing and demonstrating for Mother Earth: for the protection of the air, the water, and the land, motivating native peoples out of their idleness and into the streets.

oil sands, activism, Los Angeles
Climate, Politics and Advocacy, Tar Sands

Forward on Climate: February 17th Rallies in DC and Los Angeles

On Sunday, February 17th, at 1 pm, in solidarity with the Washington DC “Forward on Climate” rally, join Tar Sands Action Southern California, Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign, and Food and Water Watch, along with many more other environmental organizations as they march in downtown Los Angeles to deliver a message – “Solve the Climate Crisis! Take a Stand Mr. President!”