Though the Rim Fire of 2013 was the third largest conflagration in California’s history, it improved the ecological health of the forest and the majority of the iconic landscapes of Yosemite National Park remained unscathed. A salvage logging plan approved by the US Forest Service put in danger the regenerating effects of the fire.
Tag: wildfire
Cattle Grazing the Desert Will Not Solve Climate Change
“Severe grazing is absolutely essential to maintain biodiversity,” argues Allan Savory in a recent TED Talk. Of course, this is the opposite of scientific truth for the sensitive desert ecosystem. Advocating “holistic grazing,” Mr. Savory pieces together false assumptions to produce ineffective but popular recommendations on climate change.
Robert Haw: Taking Steps Against Climate Change
It’s like a Gary Larson cartoon. Fires, floods, and droughts keep coming and we laugh them off, though the joke might be on us. We must all make positive personal and political contributions to solving the climate crisis before it’s too late.
Extreme Weather Disasters: Last Call at Club Fossil Fuel – By Mark Reynolds
Extreme weather events, drought, wildfire, torrential rains, tornadoes, hurricanes, attributable to human-caused global warming, are costing society and insurers bilions of dollars worldwide. Mark Reynolds from Citizens Climate Lobby argues it is time for a carbon fee and dividend to even the market for fossil fuels and encourage clean renewable energy alternatives.
Do Forests Drink Water Meant for Humans?
Wesleyan University academics argue “unnatural” forests, resulting from fire suppression policies, deplete water supplies and should be cut back. We disagree.
Mountain West: Forest Death Affects Climate Moderation
Pines of the Rockies are dying, wildfires racing across the Southwest deep into Texas, and Colorado’s aspens have declined due to lack of water. Worldwide the problem stretches from Southern Africa, the Amazon, Siberia, Algeria, and Australia. Without forest, levels of carbon dioxide rises and the climate will continue to warm.
Hopi Legend Part 3: Wildfire of Purification and Old Spider Woman
Mytho-Historical Prophecy: Facing certain destruction by a massive wildfire raging down from the high peaks, the Oraibi village leader consults Old Spider Woman on overcoming the state of koyaanisqatsi, or life out of balance, that had befallen the land.