In search for legendary “City of the Monkey God,” explorers ignore indigenous residents and archaeologists who have worked in the region for years, and shamefully claim to find the “untouched ruins” of a “vanished” culture found in the remote Moskitia region eastern Honduras.
Author: Jack Eidt
Throbbing Gristle’s Industrial Emotions Broke Noisy Ground
The first band ever to be called “industrial,” Throbbing Gristle’s confrontational live performances and use of disturbing imagery, mixed with pre-recorded tape samples and special effects, created a distorted sound performance, quite ground-breaking in its time. Spinoff bands Psychic TV and Chris and Cosey continued to shock and beautify into the 1980s.
Fracking Boom Surrounds Sacred Chaco Canyon
The fracking boom threatens Puebloan and Hopi ancestral homelands around New Mexico’s sacred Chaco Canyon and local Diné communities are fighting drilling, pipeline projects and just general industrialization of their region without bringing real economic development. See the videos from the Solstice Project.
Pod Cars: Autonomous Vehicles vs. Personal Rapid Transit
The age of the pod car might be upon us, but not necessarily as the long-envisioned Personal Rapid Transit. Good for amusement parks and Google’s main campus, as well as small newly-built cities or airport shuttles, PRT systems have too many limitations in dense urban areas. The real future for the pod car, like it or not: Autonomous (Self-Driving) Vehicles.
Gov. Brown: March for Real Climate Leadership on Feb 7th
Join SoCal 350 Climate Action Coalition and Californians from across the state gathering Feb 7 in Oakland — Governor Brown’s hometown — to demand real climate leadership in the face of the impending climate crisis and ongoing drought, with an unconventional oil boom that includes fracking, oil trains, and expanded refinery capacity.
Laguna Beach “Ranch” Hotel Renovation Violates Coastal Rules
The California Coastal Commission failed to enforce the Coastal Act and did not require a Laguna hotel renovation to address destruction of affordable rooms and environmental habitat as well as finish the long-awaited Trail to the Sea.
‘Above All Else’: Fighting the Keystone XL in Texas
Join SoCal 350, Tar Sands Action SoCal, and WilderUtopia in Pasadena, January 22nd for a fundraiser screening of Above All Else, a documentary on the fight against the Keystone South. Reserve Tickets TODAY! We must sell at least 78 tickets by January 15th to make the event happen! TIX: