There are 1,400 tons of these little monsters, cooling in San Onofre Nuke Plant’s leaky, creaky, earthquake prone, tsunami threatened, God knows what else could go wrong at America’s Worst Nuclear Workplace Environment, right here in Southern Cal.
The use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and electricity poses significant hazards to people and the environment, and should be discontinued for more clean, sustainable and renewable energy options.
Earthquakes at San Onofre: The Elephant in the Room
San Onofre Nuke Plant was designed for a 7.0 earthquake, but sits next to a fault with an 8.0 earthquake probability — 10 times stronger and long overdue.
Scariest Workplace in the USA, Shut Down, Still Scary – By Jerry Collamer
California’s San Onofre Nuke Plant, although switched off, leaks radioactivity, and threatens a population of 8 million. It should be shut down permanently, today.
San Onofre Nuke Plant: When the Bottom Line Pushes Us Over the Cliff – By Jerry Collamer
What’s it going to take to have Edison admit its deadly addiction to nuclear, and mothball SONGS forever, before its thunder domes of molten uranium go over the cliff and 8-million citizens suffer the horrific, eternal consequences?
Nuclear Fission: In the Beginning, It All Looked So Simple
Nuclear Regulatory Commission & Edison host a town hall to discuss San Onofre Nuclear Power Generating Station’s (SONGS’s) status in its current Shut Down mode, due to systemic tube leaks in its new reactors. The experts scratch their heads as to why.
Fukushima Radiation Hitting the Streets of LA and Beyond – Dr. Mark Sircus
Right after Chernobyl blew its top, Edward Teller said on the ABC Evening News in late April 1986, “The chances of a real calamity at a nuclear power station are infinitesimally small. But should it happen, the consequences are impossible to imagine.” Now after Japan’s Fukushima disaster, radiation continues to spread across the Pacific to North America with unimaginable consequences.
Fukushima Update: Hot Japanese Bluefin Tuna, Served Glowing
“Yes, Madam, the tuna is marinated at sea during its long migration from Japan to here in both Cesium-134 and Cesium-137. It’s so good, it glows.”