It’s called addiction, when the thing we can’t give up finally kills us.
A life of living too dangerously. One final step too far, and oops – over the cliff.
Headlines remind us, overindulgence is always a killer recipe. Do we have a built in greed-gene coaxing us on – enough is never enough? The US Supreme court ruled corporations are people too, so when it comes to our greed-gene, corporations are not immune. A local corporate example of the greed-gene fully metastasized is Southern California Edison. They can’t give up their addiction to San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station’s (SONGS) killer nuclear potential. A troubled nuke site approaching 3-strikes you’re out.
Reactors 1 & 3 are history, but Edison can’t give up on #2, yet. What’s it going to take to have Edison admit its deadly addiction to nuclear, and mothball SONGS forever, before its thunder domes of molten uranium go over the cliff and 8-million citizens suffer the horrific, eternal consequences?
It’s proven, SONGS is the power we do not need – ever. Or, do we deny reality, and go over the cliff? Because that’s where Edison stands – at the brink.
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