Analysis of San Onofre Nuke Plant degenerating pipes (leaking!!!), where the process of super heating water via nuclear fission, then pumping the crazy-hot radioactive liquid thru thousands of pipes to create steam, to turn a turbine, to make electricity, is cracking SONGS’ pipes / FUBAR. Or snafu’d. Take your pick.
Finding innovative solutions to supplying efficient, clean, safe, renewable and reliable energy for electrical power, transportation, heating and cooling. We look at problems created from the addiction to dirty fossil fuel energy, mountaintop removal and ecosystem disruption, global climate change, severe air and water pollution, and community dislocation and pollution, Extreme methods such as hydraulic fracturing (fracking), tar sands, hydroelectric dams and other damaging methods and sources are examined.
San Onofre Leaks: Whistleblower Vents
An undetermined amount of radiation escaped from San Onofre nuclear power plant after a water leak, and a whistleblower expresses concerns abouts repeated expensive and potentially dangerous problems.
Keystone XL Dirty Oil Sands Pipeline: Obama’s Drop Dead Decision? By Jack Eidt
The Obama Administration will continue to face the decision whether a leak-prone dirty tar sands oil pipeline, associated with destruction of ecosystems and indigenous communities as well as global climate destabilization, is in the US national interest.
Tar Sands – Keystone XL Pipeline Activist Resources
As the Tar Sands Oil Mining and the associated Keystone XL and Northern Gateway Pipelines push forward, education and collaboration are necessary to stop these destructive projects and demand a sustainable and clean energy policy today.
Obama For America: LA Demands a Sustainable Energy Policy
President Obama: We citizens for Tar Sands Action in Los Angeles laud your decision to send the Keystone XL Pipeline back to the State Department for re-review. Yet, ensuring climate stability, protecting land and water resources, and launching an alternative clean energy economy will take much more work.
Warming World: Wrong Climate for Damming Rivers
The COP17 climate meeting in Durban, South Africa, is themed “Saving Tomorrow Today.” The environmental impact of hydroelectric dams in Africa and beyond places tomorrow’s ecosystem sustainability at risk.
Amory Lovins: Efficiency and Renewable Energy will Reinvent Fire
Reinventing Fire maps pathways for running a 158%-bigger U.S. economy in 2050 but needing no oil, no coal, no nuclear energy, one-third less natural gas, and no new inventions.