
An expanse of earth, adorned, improved, contoured, designed, and experienced. Architecture, travel, design, culture.

video art
Urban Art

Video Art: The Groovy Waves of Planed Wood

Waves of Grain is a two minute strata-cut animation by filmmaker Keith Skretch who planed a block of wood in tiny increments, taking photographs along the way. The final video reveals a repetitive flowing sense of motion as the camera moves effortlessly through the block revealing sinuous curves of wood grain appearing to ripple like water.

Hans Hollein Architecture, Vulcania Museum, France

Hans Hollein: Creative Force of Postmodernist Design

Hans Hollein, artist, designer, theoretician and Pritzker Prize-winning architect from Vienna, who breathed postmodernist life into everything from buildings to furniture to tableware, died recently. Julie Iovine writes on this multi-dimensional creative force, particularly known for his museum design, including Vienna’s Haas House (1990) and Frankfurt’s Museum of Modern Art.