“We’ve Never Seen Anything Like This.”
Bill McKibben said hurricane-type disasters, like what slammed the East Coast: NYC’s worst since its founding in the 1600’s, should be named for major oil companies flooding the GOP with ginormous super pac contributions hoping to elect Romney and his anti-global warming pals, via Citizens United super pacs.
Watching CNN – NYC, interviewing a head doc at NYC’s Bellevue Hospital tell the reporter details of evacuating the hospital’s 100’s of patients – critical and otherwise, to other hospitals due to power loss from Sandy.
During the interview, he said they were told the surge / river’s rise, would be 11 feet. Turns out it was much higher, flooding the lower parts of the city, and the subway tunnel, and car tunnels: anything subterranean, and – knocking out all power to 8-million. 8-million: sound familiar?
The doctor’s final words, “We’ve never seen anything like this.”

Hurricane Citizens United
Climate Activist Bill McKibben, speaking on MSNBC TV, said hurricane-type disasters, like what just slammed the East Coast: NYC’s worst since its founding in the 1600’s, should be named for major oil companies flooding the GOP with ginormous super pac contributions hoping to elect Romney and his anti-global warming pals, via Citizens United super pacs.
His naming suggestions: based on size of corporate campaign donations, goes to the biggest and baddest so far – are: Hurricane Chevron and Hurricane Exxon.
Anyone reading this is already thinking of the many more corporate donor-names to add to the new Corp Hurricane Naming List.
With Global Warming’s flow chart aiming up, up and away for 2102 (warmest on record), and with our recent post-disasters proving it’s really Real, we’re going to need a lot of names labeling upcoming disasters.
So strap on your thinking caps.

A Flood of Poppycock
Here locally (San Clemente CA), we’re regularly flooded with Edison’s nuclear poppycock, “How Safe It Is. No Worries. Go Back to Sleep,” spinning from Edison’s PR-machine, pumped out daily, concerning S.O.N.G.S.’ / San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station’s leaky, creaky, aged, radioactive beast, hunkered at ocean’s edge, atop multiple earthquake faults.
Its over stuffed cooling pools multi-story deep, temper 1,400 tons of radioactive hell fire – eternally hot for 10,000 years (pick a century), or longer. Golly, what could go wrong?
The same festering nuke-pile-poisons that blew Fukushima and Chernobyl away (BTW – still over-radiating, as in forever).
Let us count the ways “Hurricane Edison” might play out:
Somewhere along the Pacific Rim, shakes loose faulty undersea plates (maybe right here, under us? – omg), Tsunami occurs; combines with 100-year, super-high tidal surge (aka east coast Sunday and Monday), add-in unholy high winds from far out at sea, slams SONGS’ woefully undersized seawall head-on, overwhelming it (aka Fukushima / been there done that. We have the videos), floods into and over SONGS – keeps surging inland, over Hwy I-5, crashing up against Camp Pendleton’s coastal bluffs half-mile inland from SONGS.

Yeah. That qualifies. And possible. And anything possible – is probable. Archaeological digs in this region tell us it’s happened here before…so:
Welcome to Hurricane SoCal Edison!
Sponsored by NRC and Cal’s PUC, and every corporate and or government agency languishing in corporate dominated influence (aka govt. malfeasance), while our disaster clock keeps right on ticking.
There are reasons to be scared this Halloween. But it’s not the kids knocking at your door.
It’s corporate influence, stalking our Senate and Congressional floors, influencing legislation with their bottomless buckets of corporate cash, drowning us in lies.
So, it’s Trick or Treat.
But mostly Trick.
Welcome to Hurricane Denial.
Sponsored by___________________.
Fill in the blank.
Nice post, laughing thru my fears. Like the painting too. You have style. I think Bill’s idea would help people make the connection but the companies would sue for copyright violation. We definitely have a marketing problem. How can we make saving the planet “sexy? Most people I know just don’t want to deal with it. Makes me feel a little crazy because I do.