Waiting on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
The lingering death-knell hidden inside the million vulnerabilities of every nuke-plant cannot be
supervised away.
Gaming electrical power from nuclear generation is too-complex a technology not to finally fail. When it does, all hell breaks loose, and nukes’ evil genie never goes back in the bottle.
Loose-nukes / radioactive meltdown, released to the atmosphere, doesn’t sink ships, it sinks society.

Nuke plant vulnerabilities can be observed. Precautions mandated, but only in a fantasy sci-fi world: a world minus human error – a world without unforeseen natural disasters, would electricity derived from nuclear fission be safe. We don’t live on that fictional planet.
Our earthly reality: instant cataclysmic change any hour, day or night and nuclear meltdown
preparedness is never enough when the “big one” hits us.
With anything other than “nukes,” mopping up after said-disaster is what we do. We clean up.
We learn how to better prepare for next time.
Flood waters subside. Hurricane aftermath’s are redeveloped. Charred forests reforested. Broken highways, bridges, infrastructure in general, rebuild and return to service.
But not for the compromised nuke plant.
By definition, from the laying of its foundation, every nuke-plant is compromised, because
the hell-fire contained within, once purged, there is no containment possible.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) can promise (and stall). Nuke plant owners will over-promise as elected officials at every level go along.
But promises won’t contain a nuke-plant’s everlasting lethal potential when the “big one” slams home.
Result: unending catastrophic chaos. There is no good answer when a nuke plant goes haywire. None. Zero.
Nuclear experts now report: post Fukushima, a 10-mile evac-zone is too small a circle for
human safety. 50-miles is the new number, post Fukushima.
Where do you live?
Is there a nuke-plant 50-miles from you?
If not, you’re safe from its immediate “plume” of radiation post meltdown.
But no matter where you live, the “plume” will find you, your kids, your garden, your pets, the grass milk cows digest. Fukushima’s plume reached Boston in a week.
The “plume” is highly charged radioactive air. We breathe air. Whatever is in the air, we
inhale it. There is no escape.
Young mothers and infants, are most vulnerable to nuke’s invisible poisons.
So what can we do?
It’s simple: stop making electricity from uranium and plutonium – ultimately the
most expensive energy we produce, because its negatives last forever.
10’s of 1000’s of years forever.
We need only remember one rule when contemplating nukes: there is no mopping up
after the big one hits. And it always hits.
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station’s (SONGS) aged double nuker in San Clemente, California is promised to withstand a 7.0 quake.
But the “big-one” predicted here will far surpass that. So forget the mop.
Instead, shut SONGS now and we avoid the inevitable.
It’s the only way.
Enough talk.
Let’s do it now.
SONGS’ measly 7.5% electrical contribution to California’s grid is not worth the high price
of losing our 50-miles in every direction society – forever.
Nuke’s aren’t smart. They’re dumb, dangerous, and deadly, on a scale we can’t imagine, until meltdown.
Then it’s too late.