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Marilyn Takes Palm Springs

26-Foot Marilyn of The Desert

On the Plaza of American Life, where does 26-foot Marilyn stand? For now, she’s straddling Palm Springs tourists. Is she this years’ ceramic pink flamingo replacement, soon to be on everyone’s front lawn? Let’s hope so. America’s new moral umbrella is Monroe’s revenge. Oow, some do like it hot.

wild expanse of desert wilderness
Environmental Issues

Extreme Water: Tapping the California Desert to Feed Growth Addiction?

Cadiz Inc.’s potentially lucrative groundwater mining proposal for the Mojave Desert intends to water lawns and pools for suburban Southern California at the expense of taxpayers and ultimately the desert ecosystem. The company could realize $1 billion to $2 billion in revenue over the plan’s 50-year life. Opponents say public resources are being used for private profit.