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tar sands, Port of Los Angeles, AQMD
Tar Sands

Valero Moves to Ship Tar Sands By Rail into LA Harbor

Valero Energy seeks permits for large-scale shipments of low-quality tar sands oil via rail into their Port of Los Angeles refinery, without any public comment or environmental review. As part of a larger move to transport climate-disrupting unconventional crude to ports for refining and export to the world, it presents dangers given recent rail accidents, the corrosive nature of tar sands bitumen, and the significant pollution that surrounding communities already live with.

Jerry Collamer, Obamacare, BlondCounty

American Tea Party: Crazy Talk From the Heartland

Congressional Tea Party Crazies, funded by two-too nutty billionaire brothers (the Kochs), threaten to shut government (forever?) unless Obamacare is jettisoned: a healthcare model conceived by Republicans, enacted by a Republican governor, never mind Capitol Hill’s over-the-cliff-gang have wrenched more than they even asked for in budget cuts from Obama ain’t ever enough, long as “He” occupies 1600 PA Ave. Following are some sane recommendations from Robert Reich.