Check out this Jack Eidt interview with the late author Stephen T. Vessels on his childhood fascination with the collective unconscious, his use of the I Ching for divination of the present, and other stories. The Fifth Fedora Anthology is available for purchase – CLICK HERE.
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Stephen T. Vessels: A Visitor From the Fifth Dimension
To be sure, Stephen’s work operates on the razor’s edge of surreality, with a sneaking dark side that you might understand better if you imagine yourself upon opening his books pushing through a curtain and appearing in a landscape unrecognizable, fantastic maybe, populated by people who may appear as monstrous, entities who seem innocent enough, but what lurks on the other side is something one would have to keep reading to find out. I’ve been considering the term he used himself, a literary mystic.
STORY: Tales of the Fifth Dimension – The Fifth Fedora Anthology
cancer music #2
prognosis worsens
i seek shelter in music
shadows lengthen
theories wrestle guesses
maze mysteries
future’s uncertainty
never so clear
memories tangle
i yield to hindemith’s concerto
seek a path to the present
hold to
-s. vessels 4/19/21
The Cult of Vessels
He has stated his literary inspirations are stories by Edgar Allen Poe, Ambrose Bierce, Thomas Hardy, H. G. Wells, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry James, Guy de Maupassant, Edith Wharton, Rudyard Kipling, Isak Dinesen and H. P. Lovecraft.
STORY: The Fortunate One – A Short Story by Jack Eidt

In addition to The Fifith Fedora anthology, the following literary works of his are mentioned:
“The Artist and the Octopus, ” Oh, Fortuna! Volume 7, Santa Barbara Literary Journal, August 2021.
The Door of Tireless Pursuit, A Labyrinth of Souls Novel, Shadowspinners Press
The Ruptured Firmament, A Labyrinth of Souls Novel, Shadowspinners Press
STORY: Courting Delirium: Max Talley and his Dark Zeitgeist
Shadow Spinners also just published his science fiction masterpiece: The Fall of the Messengers.
Updated 27 November 2022
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