The Earth has a voice. And the fact that any native people have survived on the planet should be a clue that there’s a way that does not include money and politics. We have survived by our relationship with natural force. Water is sacred. Air is sacred. If the tar sands isn’t stopped, we are going to have a whole new set of problems.
Tag: Alberta Tar Sands
Keystone XL Dirty Oil Sands Pipeline: Obama’s Drop Dead Decision? By Jack Eidt
The Obama Administration will continue to face the decision whether a leak-prone dirty tar sands oil pipeline, associated with destruction of ecosystems and indigenous communities as well as global climate destabilization, is in the US national interest.
Tar Sands – Keystone XL Pipeline Activist Resources
As the Tar Sands Oil Mining and the associated Keystone XL and Northern Gateway Pipelines push forward, education and collaboration are necessary to stop these destructive projects and demand a sustainable and clean energy policy today.
Obama For America: LA Demands a Sustainable Energy Policy
President Obama: We citizens for Tar Sands Action in Los Angeles laud your decision to send the Keystone XL Pipeline back to the State Department for re-review. Yet, ensuring climate stability, protecting land and water resources, and launching an alternative clean energy economy will take much more work.
Alberta Oil Sands & Healing Our Impact (from the Fuel Addiction)
SPECIAL SCREENING & Q/A on Alberta Tar Sands Oil & Healing Our Impact (By Breaking the Fuel Addiction) with Tantoo Cardinal, Canadian First Nations actress and activist, December 6, Los Angeles Area
Pipeline Delay: Sustainability Threat from Tar Sands Oil Remains
Planned expansion of mining the Florida-sized Alberta Boreal Forest for tar sands bitumen crude oil, destroying habitats and indigenous societies, will continue despite the delay in the Keystone XL pipeline.
Winona LaDuke – The Pipeline for the One Percent
Keystone XL, touted to bring jobs and energy security, will do neither. Even if the pipeline never spilled, even if the tar sands weren’t an environmental atrocity, this would still be a bad deal for the US public.