Tag: Climate Change

Youth Climate Strike Los Angeles
EcoJustice Radio

Youth Climate Strike Takes Over Downtown Los Angeles

The September 20th Los Angeles Youth Climate Strike was organized by a coalition of groups and led by Youth Climate Strike Los Angeles. EcoJustice Radio’s Jessica Aldridge and production team joined the action at Downtown LA’s Pershing Square, where anywhere from 10-20,000 people gathered for speeches and music, and then all marched through the streets to City Hall. This caused absolute pandemonium on the crowded city streets, but all happened peacefully and with grace from all involved.

sonoma vineyards beauty in spring

Wild Sonoma’s ‘Valley of the Moon’ – Living with the Land

The Sonoma Valley in Northern California is known for it’s world-class wine, gentle hills, and year-round temperate climate, where novelist-gentleman-farmer Jack London set up his ode to wild sustainability one hundred years before it became a thing. Flying over in a hot air balloon, hiking the protected hillsides to find a precious Pinot Noir at one of the 425 wineries, sailing off the coast, there are many ways to get lost in them hills.

Being the Change
EcoJustice Radio

Mobilizing a Climate Revolution – EcoJustice Radio

Massive climate disruption continues to strike all over the world, one disaster after another, droughts, wildfires, typhoons, mega-floods, with glaciers melting and methane escaping from deep under the permafrost. The UN IPCC said we have 12 more years to stabilize greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere to avoid runaway climate change. We need solutions to this problem to spark a climate revolution. Jessica Aldridge speaks with NASA climate scientist and author Peter Kalmus and Sam Berndt also a scientist and a coordinator of the Sunrise Movement Los Angeles.

climate change, zero hour, youth movement
EcoJustice Radio

EcoJustice Radio – This is Zero Hour – Episode 21

Young people are mobilizing on climate change as the generation that will inherit its various outcomes and crises. They organized a national day of action called “This is Zero Hour” which seeks to amplify young voices who are working on environmental issues in their communities. Episode Hosted by Mark Morris with guests Arielle Cohen, Gavin Pierce, and Ryanne Mena.