Tag: literary fiction

The Sheltering Sky, Bernardo Bertolucci,

Stranger in Tangier: Paul Bowles Under The Sheltering Sky

Paul Bowles during his life (1910-1999) remained aloof from all the hipsters and hypesters of U.S. letters. Living in self-imposed exile in Tangier, he had cast a spell over such talents as Tennessee Williams, Libby Holman, Truman Capote, and Allen Ginsberg. We revisit an essay penned by Jay McInerny in 1985, on how the inimitable expatriate writer-composer’s dark arts retain their power, even more so 32 years later.

The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Monte Shulz

Monte Schulz’s Beautiful Jazz Age Tragedy in ‘Crossing Eden’

Monte Schulz’s literary novel Crossing Eden (Fantagraphics Books), sweeps across the Midwestern U.S. landscape through the story of a family pulled apart in the Jazz Age summer of 1929. A failed businessman, seduced by city lights and the dream of wealth and power, divides himself from his wife and children, while a troubled farm boy runs away from home in the company of a gangster.

Alex MacLean, Alberta tar sands
Literary, Sustainability, Urban Art

Geo-Fauvism and Anthropocene: Altered Planet, Wild Literature

Welcome to the Anthropocene age, where humans have transmogrified the planet, its oceans and atmosphere, caused mass extinctions and wholesale contamination that will remain for millennia. Beyond the politicians and scientists, the way forward remains in the hands of writers, artists, and designers taking inspiration from wild earth in a movement called Geo-Fauvism.