The time for action against oil trains is now! On Saturday, July 11, SoCal 350 Climate Action and its regional partners rallied at L.A.’s Union Station and held a teach-in in front of Olvera Street, calling for an end to bringing exploding bomb trains loaded with tar sands and other volatile crude oils into our communities.
Tag: Los Angeles
‘Above All Else’: Fighting the Keystone XL in Texas
Join SoCal 350, Tar Sands Action SoCal, and WilderUtopia in Pasadena, January 22nd for a fundraiser screening of Above All Else, a documentary on the fight against the Keystone South. Reserve Tickets TODAY! We must sell at least 78 tickets by January 15th to make the event happen! TIX:
Starhawk: Hope in the Time of Climate Change
As the full moon approached and the winter solstice upcoming ~ on Sun Dec 7, 2014 in LA, Starhawk joined a conscious community including SoCal 350 Climate Action Coalition, collectively co-creating a vision of a just transition away from climate- and ecosystem-damaging fossil fuels and industrial agriculture to a sustainable permaculture-oriented new world!
Will Self: Talentless Hipsters and Commodification Culture
This awful cult of talentless hipsters has its Mecca in Los Angeles, according to Will Self. He asserts his generation took the avant-garde and turned it into a successful rearguard action by the flying columns of capitalism’s blitzkrieg. What to make of the commodification and democratization of culture, and where to go from here?
Charles Bukowski: Madness is Never Ordinary
“In my work, as a writer, I only photograph, in words, what I see. If I write of “sadism” it is because it exists, I didn’t invent it, and if some terrible act occurs in my work it is because such things happen in our lives. I am not on the side of evil, if such a thing as evil abounds.” — Charles Bukowski
Hundreds Demonstrate in LA to Support People’s Climate Mobilization
Hundreds of Southern Californians Demonstrate along Wilshire Boulevard in Solidarity with Historic People’s Climate Mobilization in New York City Demanding Immediate Action on Climate Crisis
Art of Black Flag: Angst and Rebellion Symbolized
Punk Rock: the thrashing, slamming, moshing…and the art. First you smash all the institutions, but then find the institutions have enshrined you. Here is a history of Black Flag told through the mesmerizing and beyond-satirical art of Raymond Pettibon.