There are 1,400 tons of these little monsters, cooling in San Onofre Nuke Plant’s leaky, creaky, earthquake prone, tsunami threatened, God knows what else could go wrong at America’s Worst Nuclear Workplace Environment, right here in Southern Cal.
Earthquakes at San Onofre: The Elephant in the Room
San Onofre Nuke Plant was designed for a 7.0 earthquake, but sits next to a fault with an 8.0 earthquake probability — 10 times stronger and long overdue.
Nuclear Fission: In the Beginning, It All Looked So Simple
Nuclear Regulatory Commission & Edison host a town hall to discuss San Onofre Nuclear Power Generating Station’s (SONGS’s) status in its current Shut Down mode, due to systemic tube leaks in its new reactors. The experts scratch their heads as to why.
Keeping Our Lights On and Nukes Off – A Plan – By Jerry Collamer
There’s no way on God’s green earth, San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) can fix 19,454 (per dome) rotting pipes, without a plumbing overhaul of nuclear proportions, keeping its creaky ol’double boilers shut down for years, or maybe decades. Good.
FUBAR is San Onofre Nuke Plant – By Jerry Collamer
Analysis of San Onofre Nuke Plant degenerating pipes (leaking!!!), where the process of super heating water via nuclear fission, then pumping the crazy-hot radioactive liquid thru thousands of pipes to create steam, to turn a turbine, to make electricity, is cracking SONGS’ pipes / FUBAR. Or snafu’d. Take your pick.
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station: Fukushima Lessons not Learned
Arnie Gunderson: The future of nuclear energy in California is over the “design basis” of Diablo Canyon and SONGS. Computer programs the Nuclear Regulatory Commission calculates cost and benefits of nuclear minimize risks of earthquake and tsunami.
Nuclear Waste: San Onofre’s Heavy Lament By Jerry Collamer
Southern California residents are right to worry about the storage of “spent” fuel-rods at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS), as Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi melts-thru to who knows where. To what horrific end, no one can predict.