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bison, extinction, hunting

Ecological Amnesia: Life Without Wild Things

We have forgotten the flocks of passenger pigeons that blotted out the sun, the herds of bison that shook the ground, and the untamed places in which we destroyed them. This is ecological amnesia. This capacity to forget, this fluidity of memory, has dire implications in a world dense with people, all desperate to satisfy their immediate material needs. Yet, the way forward is land and water protection and regeneration, permaculture, and community reconnection with the wild.

Save Oak Flat, Apache Stronghold
EcoJustice Radio

Apache Stronghold: The Spiritual Movement to Save Oak Flat – EcoJustice Radio

Join Stephanie Mushrush and Carrie “Cc” Curley Strong as they share about the Apache Stronghold spiritual movement to Save Oak Flat (Chi’chil Bildagoteel). Apache Stronghold, led by Wendsler Nosie, Sr. for the last decade, is a spiritual movement to protect the Apache Way of life: their sacred sites and cultural and spiritual heritage. The movement is committed to preventing Resolution Copper, a foreign mining corporation & subsidiary of BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, from desecrating the San Carlos Apache Nation’s ancestral lands.

The Revolution Will Not be Televised, documentary
International Issues

Coup Redux in Venezuela: ‘The Revolution Will Not Be Televised’

As we see another coup against Venezuela’s democratically-elected government, we revisit the 2002 coup attempt in the documentary, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (a.k.a. Chavez: Inside the Coup), which briefly deposed Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez. A television crew from Ireland’s Radio Telifís Éireann happened to be recording a documentary about Chávez during the events of April 11, 2002.

permacvulture, ecological garden
EcoJustice Radio, Sustainability

Creating Resilient Ecosystems & Regenerating the Planet – EcoJustice Radio

Erik Ohlsen is the director of the Permaculture Skills Center, a vocational training school that offers advanced education in ecological design, landscaping, farming, and land stewardship. Creator of the the Eco-Landscape Mastery School online training program, Erik is also founder of Permaculture Artisans which specializes in design and installation of ecological landscapes and farms throughout California. Carry Kim interviews him on EcoJustice Radio.