Matthew Pallamary’s acclaimed novel “Land Without Evil,” recently performed as an aerial acrobatic stage show, narrates the true story of a young shaman of the Guaraní people of South America facing European conquest and conversion to Catholicism in the 1700s.
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Bolivia: Global Warming Endangers Kallawaya Healers
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Chasing Ice: The New “Inconvenient Truth” – Arctic Melting Before Our Eyes
Dr. James Hansen: We can fix this. The answer is a price on carbon. We must make the price of fossil fuels honest, reflecting their cost to society including the economic devastation wrought by storms like Sandy, the toll on farmland and ecosystems, as well as priceless human lives.
Agricultural Urbanism: Designing Cities as Edible Ecosystems
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Death By Pellet – By Jerry Collamer
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US EPA: Awards for Smart Growth Sustainability-Minded Projects
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Wilderness of Minarets: On the Coyote Trail of Muir and Adams
I am on the trail of John Muir, intending to walk into the wild high country, his “range of light,” inspired by the vision of Ansel Adams who once said: “Life is your art. An open, aware heart is your camera. A oneness with your world is your film. Your bright eyes and easy smile is your museum.”