Tag: San Diego County

SONGS, nuclear waste

San Onofre Nuclear Waste Dangers Compound

Since it was closed for safety violastions in 2012, the dangers of San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station (SONGS) between Orange County and San Diego have only continued to loom. Listen to this EcoJustice Radio interview with activists from Public Watchdogs explain how the nuclear waste being buried on the beach poses serious dangers to California.

spent nuclear fuel dangers, San Onofre Nuclear Plant

San Onofre: Beachfront Leaky Nuclear Waste Facility Underway

San Onofre Nuclear Plant, on the coast of California, is busy building a nuclear waste dump for 1,600 tons of spent fuel on a bluff overlooking the Pacific. Most U.S. nuclear power facilities store highly radioactive waste in thin-walled canisters (mostly 1/2-inch thick) that both the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Department of Energy (DOE) admit cannot be inspected (on the outside or inside), cannot be maintained, repaired, and can crack and leak in the short-term.

Orange County, Transportation Corridor Agencies, SR 241 Extension

Orange County Toll Road Agency Pushing 241 Extension AGAIN

Jerry Collamer expounds on the not-so-shockingly tone-deaf antics of the Orange County Toll Road Agency that will literally do anything to extend their oft-rejected SR 241 Foothill Toll Road through the backcountry wilderness and down around world class surf destination, Trestles Beach. What did Einstein say about doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results?