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The Forgotten History of Indian Boarding Schools
The truth about the US Indian boarding school policy has largely been written out of the history books. Started in the 1800s across the US and Canada, Indian Boarding schools were government-funded and often church-run. The goal? Forced assimilation of Native children into white society under the belief of “Kill the Indian, Save the Man,” which still contributes to how we see and treat Indigenous Peoples today.
Sadly, the marked and unmarked graves of children have been found in the residential school systems of both Canada and the US. The total is now over 6,500 indigenous youth, having died amid accusations of abuse and neglect.
Our guests, SunRose IronShell and Manape LaMere, update us on the current situation and the history of this generational trauma, and how bringing home the remains has become a way to tell the children’s stories and hold to account these schools.
Listen to Part 2 of this discussion:
Check out their 2020 Appearance on EJR:
Manape LaMere, has relinquished his U.S. citizenship and is a Government Representative of the Sioux Nation of Indians and an U.N. Economic and Social Council committee member to the United Nations. Manape is currently working to rebuild all social and economic development for his nation and provide proactive approach in response to genocide and 150 years of economic sanctions.
SunRose IronShell, Is an Artistic Visionary Dreamer. Hailing from the Missouri River valley area in Sioux City Iowa. SunRose is Sicangu and Oglala Lakota of the Titowan band of the Oceti Sakowyn – the Seven Council fires, Internationally known as the Sioux Nation of Indians. She is a cultural bearer and High School teacher. She was featured in the documentary, Women of the White Buffalo available now. You can catch her for Native News in 10 on Woman of the White Buffalo Facebook page.

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Executive Producer: Jack Eidt
Host/Producer: Jessica Aldridge
Engineer: Blake Lampkin
Show Created by Mark and JP Morris
Music: Javier Kadry
Episode 116
Image: Courtesy Manape and SunRose
This post was originally published on October 15, 2021. Updated 16 March 2023
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