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Reverend Eddie Anderson, EcoJustice Radio
EcoJustice Radio, Politics and Advocacy

The People’s Budget LA and Reimagining Public Safety

Reverend Eddie Anderson discusses the People’s Budget Los Angeles with EcoJustice Radio host Jessica Aldridge. He defines what it means to re-imagine policing and public safety, and how to ensure reinvestment back into Black communities. The institutions that run the USA continue to benefit from the repercussions of long-standing, systemic oppression and racism. How do we reinvent and re-imagine the power structures? How do we change the economic system and fund a budget that is community-centered?

Planet of the Humans - Jeff Gibbs, Michael Moore
Energy, Environmental Issues

An Environmental Advocate’s Response to ‘Planet of the Humans’

The Michael Moore-produced, Jeff Gibbs video, Planet of the Humans, uses the capitalism onslaught that has caused disaster across the planet as an Earth Day opportunity to lob spitballs at environmental movements and prominent advocates. While it can’t even manage any more cogent solutions than vague assertions about curbing population and over-consumption, it also fails to see the monster who stands before it: the system, which needs to be overcome, immediately.